If you are looking for the answer key to the comprehension questions of the famous novel "River of Dreams", then you have come to the right place. In this article, we have provided the answers to all the questions that are asked in the comprehension section of the novel.
Chapter-wise Questions and Answers
Chapter 1
Q1: What is the name of the protagonist of the novel?
Answer: The name of the protagonist of the novel is Maya. Q2: Where does Maya live?
Answer: Maya lives in a small village near the river. Q3: What is the profession of Maya's father?
Answer: Maya's father is a fisherman.
Chapter 2
Q1: Who is Maya's best friend?
Answer: Maya's best friend is Rani. Q2: What is the name of the school that Maya attends?
Answer: The name of the school that Maya attends is Riverdale High School. Q3: What is the name of Maya's English teacher?
Answer: Maya's English teacher's name is Ms. Smith.
Chapter 3
Q1: What is the name of the river that flows near Maya's village?
Answer: The name of the river that flows near Maya's village is Kaveri. Q2: What does Maya want to become when she grows up?
Answer: Maya wants to become a writer when she grows up. Q3: What is the name of the book that Maya is reading?
Answer: The name of the book that Maya is reading is "To Kill a Mockingbird".
Chapter 4
Q1: What is the name of Maya's elder brother?
Answer: The name of Maya's elder brother is Arjun. Q2: What is the profession of Maya's mother?
Answer: Maya's mother is a school teacher. Q3: What is the name of Maya's pet dog?
Answer: The name of Maya's pet dog is Bruno.
Chapter 5
Q1: What is the name of the boy who bullies Maya in school?
Answer: The name of the boy who bullies Maya in school is Rohit. Q2: What is the name of the subject that Maya loves the most?
Answer: The subject that Maya loves the most is English. Q3: What is the name of the park where Maya and Rani go to play?
Answer: The name of the park where Maya and Rani go to play is Wonderland Park.
Chapter 6
Q1: What is the name of Maya's grandmother?
Answer: The name of Maya's grandmother is Lakshmi. Q2: What is the name of the festival that is celebrated in Maya's village?
Answer: The festival that is celebrated in Maya's village is the Harvest Festival. Q3: What is the name of the dish that Maya's mother prepares for the festival?
Answer: The name of the dish that Maya's mother prepares for the festival is Pulihora.
Chapter 7
Q1: What is the name of Maya's favorite author?
Answer: Maya's favorite author is J.K. Rowling. Q2: What is the name of the book that Maya borrows from the library?
Answer: The name of the book that Maya borrows from the library is "The Secret Garden". Q3: What is the name of the character that Maya likes the most in the book?
Answer: The name of the character that Maya likes the most in the book is Mary.
Chapter 8
Q1: What is the name of the river that Maya and her family visit during the summer?
Answer: The name of the river that Maya and her family visit during the summer is Godavari. Q2: What is the name of the town where Maya's uncle lives?
Answer: The name of the town where Maya's uncle lives is Rajahmundry. Q3: What is the name of the temple that Maya visits with her family?
Answer: The name of the temple that Maya visits with her family is Bhadrachalam Temple.
We hope that this article has provided you with the answer key to the comprehension questions of the novel "River of Dreams". If you have any further questions or doubts, please feel free to write to us in the comments section below. Happy reading!