Free Fall Tower Gizmo Exploration Guide Answer Key

Last Modified: Published: 2023/04
th?q=Free%20fall%20tower%20Gizmo%20exploration%20guide%20answer%20key - Free Fall Tower Gizmo Exploration Guide Answer Key
Instructions for the Free Fall Tower Gizmo YouTube from


The Free Fall Tower Gizmo is a popular physics simulation used by educators to teach students about motion, acceleration, and velocity. In this guide, we will explore the key features of the Gizmo and provide answers to common questions.

Getting Started

To begin exploring the Free Fall Tower Gizmo, navigate to the ExploreLearning website and sign in to your account. Once you have accessed the Gizmo, you will see a tower with various objects at different heights. Your goal is to drop an object from the top of the tower and measure its motion as it falls.

Step 1: Set Up the Gizmo

Before you can begin dropping objects, you must set up the Gizmo. Start by selecting an object to drop from the top of the tower. You can choose from a variety of objects, including a basketball, bowling ball, or feather. Once you have selected your object, set the height of the tower and start the simulation.

Step 2: Record the Motion

As your object falls, record its motion using the Gizmo's measurement tools. You can track the object's velocity, acceleration, and distance traveled over time. Use these measurements to create a graph of the object's motion.

Tips for Success

To get the most out of your exploration of the Free Fall Tower Gizmo, follow these tips:

Tip 1: Use Different Objects

Try dropping different objects from the tower and compare their motion. How does the motion of a basketball differ from that of a feather?

Tip 2: Change the Height of the Tower

Experiment with different heights for the tower. How does the motion of an object change as it falls from a higher height?

Tip 3: Analyze the Data

After recording the motion of your object, analyze the data to identify patterns and relationships. What factors affect the motion of an object as it falls?


The Free Fall Tower Gizmo is a powerful tool for teaching students about motion and acceleration. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using our tips for success, you can get the most out of your exploration of the Gizmo and gain a deeper understanding of these important physics concepts.



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